Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A New School Year is Here!

In less than a week, a new school year will be starting throughout the Tri-State. How is it possible that school is starting again? Is it just us, or has this summer absolutely flown by? We hope you've been able to take advantage of the long, warm days and gotten out as a family to enjoy some summertime activities. We know summer isn't technically over, but after next week, we know your families' schedules will be a lot more hectic!

It's always exciting when a new school year begins in the Tri-State. We are so fortunate to have really good school systems, and early to mid-August signals the start of a new grade for our eager kids, along with new friends, teachers, sports, lessons, and activities. However, the start to the school year can also be very stressful and difficult for many.

Whether your child is moving on to a middle or high school (or especially college!), or your family has moved to a new school district, there is an anxiety about beginning in a new place and feeling a bit uncertain in an unfamiliar place. We've all been there, right?

In this week's blog, we'd like to share a few ideas to help your family start the school year on a strong note. We think the trick is to stay organized and prepared, whether you have a little one starting preschool or three headed off to elementary, middle & high school.

1. Get as many school supplies as possible before school starts. We know parents don't get school supply lists beyond elementary school, but even older students can make sure they're armed with the basics on the first day. At least have a pen, pencil, notebook, and folder for handouts. For those in elementary school, have fun perusing the aisles buying crayons, glue, etc. for a few more years!

2. Pick out clothes and prepare lunches the night before. It will be hard to wake up for the first few weeks, especially if your family has been fortunate enough to enjoy sleeping in a bit throughout the summer. Everyone will be a little nervous and possibly edgy those first few days, so make things easier on yourself and pick out everyone's outfits and pack lunch boxes the night before when you're not in a hurry and more awake.

3. If you're starting in a new school, go find your classroom ahead of time. We hope you've had a chance to do this already with new student enrollment, because it really helps alleviate that helpless feeling when you go somewhere new and don't know your way around yet. This is especially important if you've moved to a new school district over the summer and aren't familiar with your new school. Parents with little ones might even be allowed to walk their kids to their classroom the first day -- just check with your school.

4. Stay positive and be open-minded. Everyone has such high hopes on the first day of school, but the truth is, it's often overwhelming and exhausting by the end of the day. Know that you will find your groove and feel more comfortable with everything as the days go by. It will just be an adjustment, like any new schedule or environment.

5. Don't forget to have fun. After the first week or two of school, do something fun as a family. We will still have warm weather in the Tri-State for at least another month or two, so get out and go to the zoo or walk by the river, treat yourselves to ice cream, or get out of town (if your schedule allows) for the weekend. Everyone has been under more stress and pressure, so it's very important to keep a little bit of that relaxed summer vibe when you can!

What does your family do to ease the transition back to school? We would love to hear from you, so please share with us!

We hope everyone has a safe, happy start to the school year! We can't wait to see what our local kids accomplish and learn this year!

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